Tuesday, May 13, 2008

All about Meghan

Hey I am Meghan and I love to read and play outside.... And of Course spending time with my bffs!


Cavalier said...

You are my BFFL!!!!!!!
You are AWESOME!!!!!!!
We are like dog buddies!!!!

Taylor a.k.a. Dog Buddy

Cavalier said...

Meghan how do you make a slideshow?

Dog Buddy T

Mom/Dad said...


I miss having time with you and i can not beleve that schoool is aalready out. The school year went fast. I f you see taylor or Katelyn tell them i said Hi!!

Jordan Alexis Dancu

Mom/Dad said...

Meghan when you see mom and dad it is not your mom and dad it is mine. It has my name on the bottom!!!

Jordan Alexis

Mom/Dad said...

Meghan Can you please send me an emil!!

Jordan D.